Monday, May 10, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Today's sips:
Coffee: 3 cups
Tea: 1 cup Earl Grey, 1 cup Peppermint, 1 cup Kombucha, 1 cup Yerba Mate

SLEEP! Is on my mind. I have gotten less than 5 hours of sleep a night for the past 4 months and I am so over it.
I am ready to move closer to my work! Less than 4 weeks, thank goodness :)

This is my typical day:
5:00 am: Wake up
6:30 am: Rush out the door for work
7:45 am: Arrive at work
5:20 pm: Leave work
6:45 pm: Arrive home
7:30 pm: Work out
8:30 pm: Eat a quick meal - usually a green monster
9:00 pm: Shower
10:00 -12:00 pm: Toss and turn bc I'm so amped up from my evening work out session.

Sounds lovely huh?
Lack of sleep = so many problems. I blame this accumulation of sleep deprivation for my horrible week last week, my face breaking out, and my recently ridiculous amount of coffee consumption.
So tonight...I will be sleeping beauty! I decided to forgo my workout, crawl into bed at 8:30 while the sun is still up! And rest. My body needs it. My mind needs it. And quite frankly, I'm just damn tired. Yay for me!

On to my eats:

Extreme wellness wrap smeared with 1 Tbs Almond Butter
Sliced Banana
1/2 Organic Fuji Apple
(Approx.  325 cals)
1/4 cup Cashews
(Approx. 180 cals)
Whole Foods Salad Bar:
Spinach, Romaine, Squash, Chickpeas, Bean & Corn salsa, White Beans, Edamame, Beets, Wheat Berry mix, Mushrooms, (take a breath), 1 Tbs dried cranberries, Artichoke hearts, and I think that's it  :) This was a Goliath of a salad, so I only ate half.
Am I the only person who can't control themselves at a WF salad bar? I try to reason with myself before I go, tell myself that I don't need to pile on every. single. vegetable. But it's like I get into "the zone" once I start piling on veggies! Oh well, could be worse - at least it's not an ice-cream bar, because I'm unstoppable with those too!
I paired my monster salad with a Guava Goddess Kombucha (favorite so far!) & Runner's World magazine, which = $20.00!! I must not do this often...
1/3 cup cottage cheese with 1 tsp pumpkin seeds
(Approx. 120 cals)
The rest of my WF salad, mixed with about 2 more cups of Spinach and 2 organic Carrot Sticks
3/4 cup FAGE Plain Greek Yogurt mixed with 1 Tbs cocoa power, and 1 Truvia packet. Delish!
(Approx. 100 cals)

I hope I dream about these...

Nighty night.


  1. Cool blog! Can't wait to see your other eats :)

  2. i definitely cannot control myself at the food bar and end up spending a million dollars!!
